Packs for Entrepreneurs

A True Reason

Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to breathe new life into your existing jewelry business, our Business Boxes will provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed in the competitive world of jewelry. It's time to take the next step in your entrepreneurial journey!

Create Group

At Crearte Group we are a holding company that helps the growth and positioning of brands in the International market through our products and services. With more than 10 years in the market and clients in more than 16 countries, connecting with hundreds of entrepreneurs in the world, helping them build their dreams into “brands.”

We are a team of young professionals, 97% women. We want to be recognized for our ability to connect, satisfy needs and fulfill the dreams and goals of our clients. Behind all this work and time, commitment and philanthropy have established a special bond between us, our users and clients.

As a foundation and motivating engine, our company allocates 20% of its profits to seven NGOs in Venezuela. We believe in a better world, but we are also working for it.

Meet the team...

Tags Brands

Founded in 2016, it was born from the need to make ourselves known and bring our brand Crearte Joyas to international markets, building recognition and positioning as a brand, at the same time from the level of effort invested in our products.

As brand creators, we know the challenges when building a brand that lasts over time. At Tags Brands we are committed to providing you with the tools and products that help you achieve the recognition that you need as an artist. The creation and production process requires hours of effort and sacrifice, giving value to your brand is giving it recognition and positioning in the market.

Identity never goes out of style!

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We Are One

We currently have our UVR Apprentice program (A True Reason), where we provide business training and education platforms to young people with brilliant minds with limited resources within the communities reached by our partner NGOs.

Our apprentices are trained in the business field within our ranks, acquiring the experience and tools to then continue with their university training.

As a company we have determined that we can have a positive impact with what we have in hand; We work so that what we have in our hands becomes bigger and bigger.

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