Frequently Asked Questions Gift Me To.

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Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, we ship to any part of the world

What shipping companies do you use?

We ship from our Control and Shipping office in Miami or Venezuela. Within the US we ship by regular mail USPS or UPS. For International shipments, we ship by DHL or Liberty and for shipments within Venezuela we ship by Zoom.

How long will it take for my package to arrive?

The delivery time of orders varies depending on the destination country, in turn it is subject to the policies of the shipping company.

Once the manufacturing of the product is completed, shipments within the USA and/or Venezuela last 3 to 5 days; International shipments, from 7 to 15 days, depending on the country and policies of the shipping companies.

What are the shipping costs?

The shipping cost varies depending on the distance from the country and the weight of the package, and is subject to the policies of the shipping company. For example, a sheet of Tags (weighing 150 Gr) has a value within the USA and Puerto Rico, through USPS and/or UPS, of $10 USD; He shipped internationally by DHL for $60 USD and by Liberty for $25 USD.

(Shipping to Venezuela is made via Zoom at a cost of $10 USD).

My order

How do I choose the design of my Tags?

A Sales Advisor will help you with the design once you make your purchase through the website. On our website you can order and with our brand advisors you will have the necessary guidance regarding your ideal design before placing the order.

How will I know the status of my Order?

A: Once your order is entered at the factory, you will receive emails updating your order, in turn the Brand Advisor will be in contact with you to follow up on your order.

What happens once I have made my purchase on the website?

You will be assisted by one of our Brand Advisors. With this process we try to verify your design, clarify any doubts and concerns and if it is required to make any modification to the design, we have time to do it before production.

How I can cancel my order?

A: If there is any irregularity with your order once you have placed the order, you can channel it to your Brand Advisor, we will study the reason why you are requesting to cancel your order and we will manage it.

My product

What is the quality of your products?

A: We work to offer you a product of excellent quality; Our products are mostly personalized, this means that each product may vary in durability depending on the model, design and usability. Likewise, we will give you advice regarding care and use to extend the quality of our products.

What is Production time?

A: Production time for our customized products varies depending on the product and design. Each order, depending on its characteristics, may vary in production times. The production of our personalized products takes approximately 15 to 45 business days. Once you place your order and your design is approved, we will give you the approximate production time.

How much time do I have to request a refund?

A: When working with customized products and placing an order per customer, refund requests are carefully analyzed to evaluate if our product guarantee applies, which is why we focus on providing personalized advice to guarantee that the product is fully functional. and meets customer requirements. However, once you receive the product, if you are not satisfied with the color, model, quantity, etc. or if the product arrives with a factory defect (stains, breaks, or any defect in material or hardware), your brand advisor must be notified within a maximum of 24 hours from receipt. Refunds for an order are rigorously evaluated to determine the reasons for the request and thus manage a new production of your order.
